Den otevřených dveří PROZON

ZDJCIE 1Oznámení o zahájení projektu Refrigerants LIFE Cycle

Návštěva zúčastněných stran a hlavních příjemců projektu

Prezentace projektu a otevřená diskuse




Zapytanie ofertowe nr 08/LIFE/PROZON z dnia 16.06.2020 r. na dostawę zbiorników ciśnieniowych na czynniki chłodnicze

PROZON Fundacja Ochrony Klimatu zaprasza do składania ofert na dostawę zbiorników ciśnieniowych na czynniki chłodnicze o pojemności nominalnej 950l w ramach realizacji projektu “Instalacja demonstracyjna do separacji mieszanin czynników chłodniczych” LIFE18 CCM/PL/001100 Refrigerants LIFE Cycle współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Instrumentu Finansowego LIFE.

Formularz ofertowy

Oświadczenie o braku powiązań

Oświadczenie o poszanowaniu środowiska naturalnego

Zapytanie ofertowe


NFONasz projekt został wyróżniony i otrzymał dofinansowanie  ze środków NFOŚiGW!

Obok pamiątkowe zdjęcie z momentu podpisania umowy ?






International exhibition FORUM WENTYLACJA – SALON KLIMATYZACJA 03-04.03.2020

ForumWentylacjaThe Refrigerants LIFE Cycle project was present at the international exhibition Forum Wentylacja – Salon Klimatyzacja.

In addition to running the stand, the Project Coordinator, Mr. Bartłomiej Caruk, presented the project during the Cooling Workshops.

The project was very popular and customers are waiting for the new service! ?

Meeting with Steering Committee

ZDJĘCIE 3 002On 15.01.2020 there was a meeting with Steering Committee in PROZON headquarters

  • At the meeting we hosted two external experts:

PhD Agnieszka Tomaszewska – Minister’s Advisor, Department of Air and Climate Team Leader

DSc Janusz Kozakiewicz – Industrial Chemistry Institute professor, Department of Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Supervisor

(Pokračování textu…)

Enterprise and Environment Conference 09-10.01.2020

DSC 5992 EditOn 09-10.01.2020 in Sound Garden hotel Enterprise and Environment Conference took place. It gathered over 130 participants including representatives of large commercial networks, industrial plants and real estate managers.

On the first day of the Conference Bartłomiej Caruk presented Refrigerant Life Cycle project. He introduced goals, expectations and climate policy of the project.

(Pokračování textu…)

EKOTEZ and PROZON representatives meeting in Prague

PragaOn 12-13.12.2019 a meeting of representatives of EKOTEZ and PROZON took place in Prague. Four representatives of PROZON, including LIFE Project Coordinator and LIFE Business Development Manager attended the meeting.

On the first day PROZON employees visited stationary store of EKOTEZ and saw warehouse of refrigeration devices and service equipment. Later, in the afternoon, they dined with vice-president of board, general manager and business manager. In the evening they went for a walk through adorable streets of Prague Old Town.

(Pokračování textu…)

Zapytanie ofertowe nr 04/LIFE/PROZON z dnia 5.12.2019 na dostawę spektrofotometru FTIR

PROZON Fundacja Ochrony Klimatu zaprasza do składania ofert na dostawę spektrofotometru FTIR do analizy czynników chłodniczych w ramach realizacji projektu “Instalacja demonstracyjna do separacji mieszanin czynników chłodniczych” LIFE18 CCM/PL/001100 Refrigerants LIFE Cycle współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Instrumentu Finansowego LIFE.

Formularz ofertowy

Oświadczenie o braku powiązań

Oświadczenie o poszanowaniu środowiska naturalnego

Zapytanie ofertowe

Our project admitted the Good Practice in area of smart specialization of Mazovia

1 popp

  • Nowadays we are finishing “Research and Development works on developing executive project for an innovative installation for separation of refrigerant waste mixtures”
  • Mentioned project is an introduction to Refrigerant Life Cycle project
  • Goal of a project is to elaborate complete documentation for installation for separation of refrigerant waste mixtures, based on which an industrial installation will be built
  • As a part of the project a concept of service and new product was developed
  • 113 attempts of separation were made using previously constructed installation in laboratory scale
  • Project was admitted the Good Practice in area of smart specialization of Mazovia
  • The contractor of the project was Chemat Ltd, Refrigerant Life Cycle co-beneficiary
  • Download brochure


PCCI Conference

On 29-30.10.2019 3rd Scientific-Technical Conference “Innovations in Chemistry Industry” took place in The Education and Congress Center of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.

On the second day, during circular economy panel, Bartłomiej Caruk presented Refrigerant Life Cycle project, which was admitted innovative on chemistry industry field.

Project aroused great interest.

After presentation there were many questions about difficulty of separation of mixtures, development of refrigerant waste collection system and technology transfer.

PROZON The Foundation for Climate Protection at the Kick off Meeting in Brussels.

On 03-04.10.2019, Kick off Meeting took place in Brussels.

All LIFE beneficiaries who submitted an application in 2018 participated in the event – including the representative of PROZON of the Climate Protection Foundation. In the subject of “Mitigation and F-Gases” 6 projects were presented, incl. from France, Italy, Germany and also Poland.

The speakers drew attention to the very important problem of global warming and the importance of the F-gas market in terms of reducing the negative impact on the climate.

The project “Refrigerants LIFE Cycle” was very popular. After the presentation, many questions were raised about the technology, plans and the system of collecting factors to be developed.

PROZON The Climate Protection Foundation hopes to start international cooperation with other LIFE beneficiaries

Zapytanie ofertowe nr 03/LIFE/PROZON z dnia 23.09.2019 na dostawę butli stalowych na czynniki chłodnicze

PROZON Fundacja Ochrony Klimatu zaprasza do składania ofert na dostawę butli stalowych na czynniki chłodnicze w ramach realizacji projektu “Instalacja demonstracyjna do separacji mieszanin czynników chłodniczych” LIFE18 CCM/PL/001100 Refrigerants LIFE Cycle współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Instrumentu Finansowego LIFE.

Formularz ofertowy

Zapytanie ofertowe