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EKOTEZ and PROZON representatives meeting in Prague

17 prosince, 2019

PragaOn 12-13.12.2019 a meeting of representatives of EKOTEZ and PROZON took place in Prague. Four representatives of PROZON, including LIFE Project Coordinator and LIFE Business Development Manager attended the meeting.

On the first day PROZON employees visited stationary store of EKOTEZ and saw warehouse of refrigeration devices and service equipment. Later, in the afternoon, they dined with vice-president of board, general manager and business manager. In the evening they went for a walk through adorable streets of Prague Old Town.

On the second day PROZON representatives visited EKOTEZ headquarters. They saw workshop and refrigerant recovery stations and refrigerant reclamation machines designed by EKOTEZ. After a tour, all discussed basic aspects of LIFE project and our cooperation for 2020. They discussed actions that EKOTEZ is included in.

In following months our partner will present their plan of waste collection in Czech Republic. Representatives of companies also agreed on a plan of reporting and schedule of meetings and visits.