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LIFE Info Day

January 18, 2024

A LIFE Information Day, organized by the LIFE National Contact Point at the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, was held in Warsaw on January 11.

During the event, participants of the LIFE Information Day listened to speeches by representatives of the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA), the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), who presented a range of opportunities offered by the LIFE Program.

The event was also an opportunity to visit the stands of LIFE Projects and National Contact Points from other EU programs. It was an unusual experience to be able to get to know such interesting initiatives, which are being implemented all over Poland, and their main principles are based on concern for the environment.

PROZON Foundation for Climate Protection was also present at the Information Day with its three projects: the Refrigerants Life Cycle, which is being implemented from 2019, as well as LEGAL HFC 4 LIFE and RE-ELECTRO 4 LIFE, which received parallel funding during the same year! Our activity was particularly appreciated, as President Krzysztof Grzegorczyk received an award for PROZON Foundation for Climate Protection as the most committed LIFE Beneficiary!

During the LIFE Information Day, the effects of 15 years of NFOŚiGW involvement in supporting LIFE projects in Poland were also presented. The offers of other EU programs will also be presented by invited representatives of National Contact Points: among others, HORYZONT EUROPA (NCBR), URBACT and Financial Instruments of the European Union Programs.

What is the LIFE Program?

The LIFE Program is the only program managed at the level of the European Commission and entirely dedicated to environmental, nature and climate protection and energy transition issues. Within the framework of the program, it is possible to obtain support for the implementation of, among other things, active nature conservation projects in Natura 2000 areas, testing and preparing for the wide dissemination of solutions that can contribute to improving the environment and overcoming barriers to the transition to clean energy.